Small Changes. Big Results.

Diversity and inclusion is not a nice-to-have HR initiative. A study by Harvard Business Review found diverse teams are able to problem-solve faster. They make more informed and better decisions, which results in greater profits. Diversity is a serious competitive advantage and has a direct impact on your bottom line.

Discover the importance of diversity in your workforce. In this program, you will learn how small changes can take your company culture and your business results to a completely new level. In a deeply connected and global world, it should come as no surprise that more diverse companies are achieving better performance.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the benefits of a diverse workforce for your business and community
  • Define steps you can take to improve your hiring practices to encourage diversity
  • Discuss the role business plays in creating a high performance talent pipeline in your community

Skip the travel time and tune in to a quality, instructor-led, virtual course. Expect all the amenities of an in-seat class, from visual aids to breakout sessions. We look forward to seeing in class.

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