The DU Alumni Association is excited to present a new webinar series, Davenport Dialogues.

This series features speakers, including alumni, who bring a unique inside look at various topics. Join us for any one of our upcoming webinars listed below. All members of the DU community are welcomed to take advantage of these free webinars.

If you have any questions or would like to present on a topic for a future webinar please let us know,

Davenport Dialogues Webinar Series

Upcoming webinars

March 15 | 12:00 - 12:30 pm

Closing the Diversity Gap in Tech

Featured speaker Joanna Udo ‘14 | Founder of Bridges in Tech

Join host Joanna Udo, founder of Bridges in Tech, to learn how the work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion helps with the talent shortage in tech. Learn how your role as an individual contributor, leader or business owner in any industry can help promote DEI.

Register for this webinar

Previous Dialogues

All of the Davenport Dialogue webinars have been recorded. 

Webinar topics

  • Closing the Diversity Gap with Joanna Udo

  • Social Media and Your Side Hustle 

  • The Business of Beer

  • Battle Brothers Shave Co. 

  • Mental Health 

  • Bringing Understanding to Something Difficult to Understand

  • The American Rescue Plan Impacting your Taxes

  • Goal Setting: Laying the Groundwork for Growth
  • Leave No One Behind: Bridging the Digital Divide
  • The Art of Authentic Connection
  • Beyond the Pint Glass
  • Tips & Tricks to Virtual Learning
  • Estate Planning in Today's Market
  • The What & Why in Planned Giving 2021
  • Strategies for Buying and Selling Real Estate in 2021
  • Getting the Most Out of Your Home Office
  • Building Your Brand
  • Planning for Your Child's College Experience
  • Tips and Tricks on Taking Charge of Your Professional Growth
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